Arts and Culture
Access to the arts in our day to day lives matters. It contributes to vibrant, thought-provoking, people-friendly environments and experiences that engage, inform and delight. In that spirit, The University District acts as a platform for art, art enthusiasts and the arts community.
From Gonzaga University's Jundt Art Museum, recently debuted Myrtle Woldson Performing Arts Center (see background image), classical music station, dance and theater departments, and esteemed GU English professor and 2016 Washington State Poet Laureate Tod Marshall; to sculpture installations on the campus of Washington State University Health Sciences Spokane; to City beautification installations in public right of ways; to exhibits at Saranac Art Projects; to summer movie nights and culinary artistry in District neighborhoods; to the fantastic and supportive work of groups such as Spokane Arts, TEDx Spokane, and Terrain---the local arts scene is multifaceted and engaging.
The University District's cultural landscape will expand exponentially once programming is underway for the University District Gateway Bridge landing. In the future, the plaza will host site-specific art, outdoor concerts, theater, and other cultural events throughout the year.