Link Spokane

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

City web page.

The full draft update to the Comprehensive Plan along with the draft Transportation Chapter is available at the following link:

The City is hosting the following Open Houses to review and receive feedback on the draft transportation plan. A flier with the open house times is available here:

Open House #1 East Central Community Center – Senior Room
500 S Stone St.
February 28th, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Open House #2 Downtown - River Park Square 1st Floor near Nordstrom Coffee Bar
March 1st, 11:30 – 5:30 p.m.

Open House #3 West Central Community Center – Newton Lounge Room
1603 N Belt St.
March 2nd, 4:30 – 7:00 p.m.

Open House #4 South Hill Library
3324 S. Perry St.
March 7th, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Open House #5 Spokane City Hall, Chase Gallery
808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd.
March 8th, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Before Plan Commission hearing on the draft plan

Integrating Transportation and City Utility Infrastructure Planning

LINK Spokane is the tagline for the process of updating the City's Transportation Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan. This update has focused heavily on "linking" the City's approach to street and utility infrastructure projects. For more information review the LINK Spokane story below.

Updated Transportation Chapter Draft

The version below has been updated to clarify level-of-service standards and the financially constrained project list.

January 25, 2017 Plan Commission Meeting Material

Below is the link to the meeting material being presented at the January 25, 2017 Plan Commission meeting.

Individual sections of the packet are available below:

Pedestrian Master Plan

Walking is the most fundamental transportation choice -- the starting place for all journeys, even as people walk to their cars, transit, or bicycle to move between the places they visit throughout a day.

Spokane, like cities across the country is choosing to redesign its streets. These redesigns can provide a high quality barrier free walking environment that supports increased levels of physical activity, important connections to transit, and more transportation options for all. Of particular note in considering these changes is that the Millennial generation (born between 1981 and 2000) is expecting diverse shared mobility options. According to the 2010 Census, the 85.4 million Millennials who make up close to 28% of the total U.S. population are traveling differently. Compared to their parents' generation, Millennials are:

  • Purchasing fewer cars and driving less
  • Not obtaining their driver's license
  • Biking, walking, and taking transit more

The Pedestrian Master Plan includes the following sections to support a more walkable Spokane:

  • Goals for the pedestrian environment
  • Description of the basic elements of providing a quality pedestrian experience
  • Assessment of existing conditions for walking today
  • Recommended policies and actions

The Plan also provides a number of relevant best practices which are intended to serve as a toolbox for Spokane as it addresses key pedestrian improvements. The best practices should be used to inform opportunities to improve and enhance Spokane's existing pedestrian environment.

Learn more about the Pedestrian Master Plan

Freight Movement in Spokane

On February 24, 2015, a workshop meeting was convened to engage in discussions and provide information in relation to Link Spokane and regional activities concerning freight and goods mobility. Providers of freight and goods mobility services along with local agencies were invited to participate and present. In the coming months, there will be additional activities planned for of this work group and opportunities for additional discussions.

The movement of goods by freight trucks, trains, and planes is vital to the economic success of Spokane. It is also important to balance this movement of freight with the needs of a safe, livable community.

More than half of Spokane's freight is moved by truck, about 40% is moved by rail, and the remainder moves by airfreight. Freight moving through the city and local deliveries are vital components of our local and regional economy. For freight passing through Spokane, major freight corridors are necessary to expedite the movement of goods and to concentrate heavy vehicle circulation on urban streets. In Spokane, the major freight corridors are North Market Street, North Greene Street, North Freya Street, and I-90. We need to balance local freight streets in such a way that respects the needs of goods movement, while maintaining safety and comfort for other users.

Below is a list of presentations from the meeting:

Six-year Comprehensive Street Program

The Six-Year Comprehensive Street Program lists projects that are scheduled for design and construction, and which have received dedicated funding. The Transportation Subcommittee has worked closely with city staff to bring together a prioritization matrix for arterial streets. This scoring matrix has been applied to all arterial streets that have not recently been reconstructed through the bond or other grant programs.