City of Spokane - Martin Luther King Jr Way Phase 2B

Monday, January 1, 2018

Take a ride today on Martin Luther King Jr. Way! Today (December 14, 2018) at 3 p.m. MLK Jr. Way will be open to traffic between Division and the new roundabout at Trent Avenue and Perry Street! For the first time, the new extension of MLK Jr. Way from Sherman to the new roundabout will open; the street isn’t quite finished but will be available for driving this winter. Crews will complete a top lift of asphalt and other work in the spring. That work will take about six to eight weeks. Additionally, we are reopening the street between Pine and Sherman, which has been closed for construction of the University District Gateway Bridge. #SpokaneStreetsCity web page.

Project Number: 2015078

Construction Estimate: $2,500,000.00

Project Location: MLK Jr. Boulevard from Erie Street to Perry Street.


  • The Riverside Ave. extension project (since renamed Martin Luther King Jr Way) was begun in 2011 (Phase 1) and consisted of a new road parallel to and north of the RR tracks from Division St. to Sherman Ave. by the WSU Bookie.
  • MLK Phase 2A was finished in 2017 and extended the new road from Sherman Ave. to Erie St.
  • In 2016, Erie St. beneath the RR tracks and Sprague Ave. was completed providing a paved connection between 1st Ave. on the south side of the tracks with the new MLK Way.

Description: New street and associated utilities, swales, sidewalk and including a roundabout at Perry Street and Trent Avenue. This project also completes the Ben Burr Trail connection to the Centennial Trail.

Project Manager - Dan Buller, 509-625-7722,  

Construction Start Date: Spring 2018

Substantially Completed Date: Fall 2018